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Sunday, October 13, 2013

20 Minute Home Weight Loss Workout

Here is an awesome all-over body 20 minute workout that gets good weight loss results using no equipment or basic items found around the home.

Do four 20 second sets of each of these exercises with 10 seconds rest in between. Exercises are done continuously during the 20 second set. In between exercises have 1 minute rest.

1. Push Press: Holding a can from the cupboard in each hand, a push press is where you bend down into a squat then push up with your hands stretching up towards the roof.

2. Knee High Running on the spot: Make sure your knees come up to waist height.

3. Push Ups: If you cant do them on your toes do them on your knees.

4. Lunge Jumps: One leg in front of the other at a comfortable distance apart, drop the back knee down towards the floor without touching it, then come up again pushing the weight through your front heel. Quickly change feet position when "jumping".

5. Crunches (Sit Ups): Can do these many different ways, make sure you switch your core muscles "on" when doing them for best results.

6. Squat Jumps: Feet just out from shoulder width, come down into a squat (bend your legs, not your back) with one hand touching the floor, then this same hand comes up to above your head in the jump. The other hand is on your hip. Alternate hands each set.

Remember to always warm up and cool down/stretch afterwards.

For best weight loss results, do the above program at least 3 times per week.

For More Related Topics Blog: Weight Loss Plan For Men

For More Related Topics Blog: Weight Loss Plan For Men

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