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Saturday, September 28, 2013

7 Weight Loss Mistakes

Weight Loss Mistake #1

Skipping Meals- Skipping meals is a bad idea. 6 to 9 small meals a day is a better way to lose weight. Several small meals during the day can raise your metabolism. This in turn will actually help you burn more fat.

Weight Loss Mistake #2

Choosing a diet program that causes you to lose muscle mass. We need muscle. Losing the muscle you have is not healthy and can lead to many other health issues. Strive only to lose fat, not muscle.

Weight Loss Mistake #3

Irregular eating Patterns- Like stated before, 6 to 9 small meals a day is ideal. It is bad to eat a small meal, then large. Maintaining the same portions allows your stomach to adjust to the proper size. With smaller meals your stomach shrinks. Eventually you will feel full from these smaller meals.

Mistake #4

Including sodas and juice in your diet. These drinks are loaded with calories. This is one of the best and fastest ways to get fat. Avoid soda and juices high in sugar to maintain weight loss.

Mistake #5

Not keeping a positive mental attitude. This is more important than you think. A confident person can achieve anything.

Mistake #6

White flour products are your enemy. Stay clear of these and watch the pounds fall off.

Finially, Mistake #7

Spending way too much for diet products. The weight loss industry has a way of gouging the public for their products. It is true that you get what you pay for, but do exercise some caution.

For More Related Topics Blog: Exercise Plans For Weight Loss

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